So here is what I came up with, they were a HUGE hit with the kids!

"Right is always, right, even if no one is doing it... Wrong is always, wrong, even if everyone is doing it". -unknown
So here are some confessions about my life (one's generally not shared on my blogs;)
1. My brown hair in the picture above is now my natural color, I was blonde as a kid, but the older I get and the more babies I have the darker my hair gets (currently my hair is blonde, hehe:)
2. I am far from having it "all together", FAR!!!
3. I am not rich, but I am rich in the things that matter most
4. I don't have a perfect marriage and I am not the perfect wife or mother
5. I often struggle with daily reading my scriptures and praying (but I am making big improvements in this area)
6. I swear, yep, I try not to do it too often or in front of my kids, but I have been known to throw down some not so lady like language when I am mad or frustrated (p.s. I HATE the "f" word, but sadly will admit that I have said it once or twice)
7. It is 11am, I am still in my pj's (although that isn't usually the case), my sink is full of dirty dishes, and my kitchen floor really needs to be swept
8. I have loads of laundry calling my name!!! Laundry to wash, laundry wet needing to be dried, laundry that needs to be folded, and laundry that needs to be put away (usually my husband does the laundry but he is so busy with work lately that he just doesn't have time, so it is my chore for now, YAY me)
9. I weigh 10 pounds more than I would like to, I don't love to work out, but I do love how great working out makes me feel, my biggest problem is my SERIOUS SWEET TOOTH!!!
10. There are times that I think the grass looks greener on the other side while looking at others lives, but I am learning that we ALL have our struggles and trials, no one is perfect no matter how perfect things might appear
{Just some of my thoughts from today!}