I found this today and really loved it! I am trying to work hard to create healthy habits in my life and in my families life. Changing our habits sure is hard work and requires so much motivation!!!
"Right is always, right, even if no one is doing it... Wrong is always, wrong, even if everyone is doing it". -unknown
This year we spent Thanksgiving with Courts family. I brought my camera and video camera and still somehow ended up not taking any photos or video footage. Over the weekend I did at least snap a few on my phone.
Thanksgiving day we had lots of fun eating and hanging out at Courts sister Jamie's house. Her and her family just moved back to Utah and we are so excited to have them back and living only 20 min away from us. Court, his dad, brother, and brother-in-laws went to shoot guns later that afternoon. They had a a great time and of course Court came home wanting to buy a gun of his own (no thank you!!). The kids all had a blast playing with their cousins! 10 kids under the age of 9 got a little crazy at times, but it was sure fun (9 out of the 10 grandchildren are actually under the age of 6!!!). That night our girls spent the night with their cousins, boy were they excited!! We don't do sleepovers with friends unless it is an emergency... So they have only had about 2 sleepovers ever. They all slept together in a little playroom under the stairs.
Court and I took J-man and the baby with us and headed up to Salt Lake to my Aunt Wendy's house to see some of my Waterlyn extended family. We planned just to drop in and say hi for a little while but we were all laughing and having such a good time talking that we didn't leave until after midnight.
On our way home we decided to stop by Toys R Us since we were out that way and check out some of their black friday deals. I stayed in the car with the kids while Court ran in. He found what we were looking for pretty fast, but then realized he would have to wait in line for at least 2 hours to pay for it, the check out line wrapped all the way around entire store!!! So he put the items back and we headed home. The wait wasn't worth saving 20 bucks!
Friday I took the baby and Courts mom and sisters and I shopped all day. Normally I am not a big fan of black friday shopping or shopping all day, but it was really fun and a nice brake from my older kids. We went to Target, lunch at Rumbi Grill, and then shopping at Fashion Place Mall. Court kept the other 3 kiddos and boy was he brave. Court and his brother-in-laws and dad took all of thd kids to lunch, Cabelas, and Sports Authority. The boys (grown up boys) all came home with remote control helacopters.
Saturday us girls got up early and went grocery shopping for the lunch we were making for the Ronald McDonald house. We did this as a family service project and it was a great experience!! My girls loved helping make the lunches and really enjoyed doing this. I am so grateful places like this exhist for families in need. I have such a soft spot in my heart for children who are sick and their families. I am so grateful to have healthy children!!
Saturday we got a sitter for all the kids and all the adults went out to dinner. It was lots of fun to go out kid free and enjoy each others company!!
Our Thanksgiving was teriffic and we loved spending time with our family!!!