Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Please stop texting while driving!!!

I received this email a little while ago and thought that I would share it. The pictures are pretty heart braking, but I think that it is important that this families story is heard. We HAVE to be more cautious when we are driving, life's depend on it!! Imagine how we would feel if this was our precious son or daughter. I truly feel horrible for both of the parties involved in this tragic accident, I of course can't even imagine how painful all of this must be for the family of the precious 3 year old boy, but I also feel for the teen who caused this accident, imagine what pain and grief she must be enduring as well. I pray that everyone involved will be able to heal from this and show Christlike love towards one another. I also pray that each person that reads this will have their eyes opened as mine have been to the dangers of using your cell phone while driving, I know that I will definitely be much more careful while driving after hearing about this accident.

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Chandy said...

Hello, I'm Carolyn; a mormon mom who found your blog through "mormon moms who blog".

(Still crying) I am so sorry for the ordeal your whole family went through. I was glad that cell phone use while driving is now banned. In behalf of my family, we wish your son and your hearts a full recovery...

Court and Britt said...

Carolyn, thanks for your comment. This story is actually not about my family, but was sent to me by someone else. I feel terrible for this sweet little boy, his family, and for the other girl involved in the accident. I hope that they will all be able to find peace and be able to forgive.