Since my blog is focused around "inspiration", I wanted to do a post specifically about one very incredible women who has inspired me in ways I don't even know how to adequately express. I'm SURE many (or most) of you have heard of Stephanie Nielson and her blog the nienie dialogues. If you HAVEN'T heard of her (or of her family) this is one story YOU MUST READ! It is the most beautiful story of love, peace, and hope.
I started reading Nienie's blog over a year ago. My cute friend Tara had been reading her blog and shared it with me. My oldest daughter was about to start Kindergarten and like most mothers I was having some very mixed emotions about my little princess being old enough to go to school! Tara had told me about a post that Nienie had recently done about a 'Back to School Feast' in honor of her daughters starting the new school year. No detail was left out in Nienie's dinner honoring her daughters. The table was decorated to a "T" with her most beautiful dishes, home made crowns were made for the girls to wear, they toasted to the new year, and even had a fashion show. As I read this post about this fabulous feast, I thought, "this is my kind of women". I was immediately intrigued by Nienie. As I continued to read more and more of Nienie's blog I soon discovered that she is not only an incredible mother, but she has an incredible testimony of the Gospel, she is madly in love with her husband, she's got spunk & sas (which I love), and she has her priorities right where they NEED to be. WHO wouldn't want to be like her?
Shortly after I started reading her blog, Nienie and her husband were in a plane crash and were both seriously injured. I was in total shock. It is so unbelievable how in a blink of an eye life can change so quickly. I continued to follow Nienie's story of recovery through her sisters blog, cjane (who is equally as delightful). I didn't realize last year when I just happened upon Nienie's blog, that her story, her families story, would change my life. I have prayed for this family, I have fasted for this family, and I have shed many, many tears while following their story. I have been deeply touched by their powerful messages of strength, courage, and faith. I don't even know how to put into words the impact this beautiful story has had on my life. I know that Heavenly Father lead me to this story to help me through my own trials, to help me re-focus my life on WHAT REALLY MATTERS, to put my life into better perspective and to strengthen my testimony. What an incredible GIFT!
Last year was our first year doing OUR back to school FEAST for our children. We made yummy food, invited great friends to join us, set goals for the year, had a rockin' fashion show, and then finished our evening with Priesthood Blessings given by the Fathers. It was so much fun and a tradition that we will carry on throughout our children's school years. Sadly school started today and we have not yet had our 2009 'Back To School Feast'. Our family has just moved and my husband is still working out of state, but AS SOON as he is HOME with us we will have our feast, I can hardly wait, the plans are already being made, and they kids are so excited!
With Love,
*** To Nienie, you may never read this, but I wanted to Thank You for the amazing women that you are. You are truly a treasure, an instrument in Gods hands. Congratulations on climbing the "Y", WHAT an accomplishment! You are such a beautiful daughter of our Heavenly Father, both INSIDE AND OUT!