So I have to admit, I have only made it to week 8, but my family emergency binder has already come in handy a number of times. We recently moved, but had put majority of our belongings in storage for a few months. Having my Emergency Binder has been so nice for finding copies of birth certificates, the kids shot records, etc... I know that this is a big project, but I think that everyone needs one of these. You just never know when disaster is going to strike and in a moments notice you could loose everything. Last summer a tornado ripped through our old neighborhood and completely destroyed several homes. I remember thinking OVER & OVER again, "that could have been US". The tornado did in fact effect us personally because we still owned our home and had it rented out at the time. The tornado ripped a huge portion of the roof right off the house. Luckily the tenants were safely in the basement at the time. That experience was proof to me that no one is exempt from a disaster effecting their family!!
As soon as we get all moved into our new house and I FIND all of my documents etc... I am going to GET TO WORK on finishing my Emergency Binder, I wouldn't want to be caught with out it if another disaster comes our way!!
(All of this info is from a very dedicated "Emergency Preparedness Coordinator" in my ward(church) back in Kansas City)
If you had to suddenly leave your home due to impending natural disaster, and had only a few minutes to gather everything you would need, including important papers, family history, and treasured pictures, how long would it take you?
Vital financial records should be kept in a safe place. Copies of these documents should be available for taking with you if you have to leave your home in an emergency. As an alternative, you could scan these documents into your computer and take a disc or flash drive instead of paper copies.
This year, we are going to assemble a Vital Records Binder that will contain the important information you would need and want to take with you. We will do it week by week through a small task each week—“…by small and simple things are great things brought to pass.”
Week 1-Locate or purchase a 2” binder with 50 - 100 plastic page protectors. Purchase tabbed dividers, if desired, to divide the book into sections. Store the Ward Emergency Plan in the binder.
Week 2-Locate birth certificates for all family members. Make copies and put in binder.
Week 3-Locate Social Security cards for all family members. Make copies and put in binder.
Week 4-Make copies of driver’s licenses and put in binder.
Week 5-Make copies of passports and put in binder.
Week 6-Make copies of important phone numbers and addresses and put in binder. Include family, friends, doctors, dentist, business and other important numbers.
Week 7-Scan non-digital photos and burn all digital photos to a CD or flash drive. Put in one of the sheet protectors in the binder.
Week 8-Copy family history records to a cd or flash drive and put in binder.
Week 9- Locate voter cards, make copies, and put in binder.
Week 10-: Locate three years of tax returns, make copies, and put in binder, or copy tax files to a CD and store the tax software with the tax files in the binder.
Week 11-Locate recent investment statements, one for each account including 401K, make copies, and put in binder.
Week 12-If you use electronic money management programs such as Quicken or Microsoft Money, copy data files to CD and put cd for software program in binder.
Week 13-Locate your most recent bank statements, make copies, and put in binder
Week 14-Locate credit card statements, make copies, and put in binder—or alternatively, make copies of front and back of all credit cards.
Week 15- Locate loan payoff papers, make copies, and put in binder.
Locate recent Social Security Statement, make copies, and put in binder.
Week 16-
1. Locate all car titles and registrations, make copies, and put in binder.
2. Locate auto loan papers, make copies, and put in binder.
3. Make copy of recent auto insurance statement and put in binder.
4. Locate copy of any extended warranties, make a copy, and put in binder.
Week 17-Locate all Life insurance policies, make copies, and put in binder. Make a copy of your wills and put in binder. If you have a trust, make a copy and put in binder.
Week 18-
Make copies of:
Marriage License (Divorce/custody papers)
Citizenship Papers
Military Records
Prepaid Burial contracts
Adoption Papers
Week 19-
Prepare list of medications for each family member.
Make copies of any important medical or dental records and put in binder.
Make copies of all health and dental insurance cards, both sides, and put in binder
Make copy of living will and put in binder.
Locate all Immunization Records, make copies, and put in binder.
Week 20-
Make copies of any professional licenses and put in binder.
Make copies of any important business papers and put in binder.
Make copy of updated resume and put in binder (includes job and education dates that may be difficult to remember.
Make copies of company benefits statements and put in binder.
Make copies of degrees and professional licenses and put in binder.
Week 21-
Locate recent house payment statement, make copy, and put in binder.
Locate homeowner’s insurance policy, make copy, and put in binder.
Locate all recent utility bills including cell phone, make copies, and put in binder
Conduct a home inventory, print and put in binder.
Take a video or pictures of all items in your home, burn to CD and put in binder. binder
I'm glad you put this up for free and not try to charge for such vital information. This could save lives.
We too had a tornado devastate our home nearly 2 years ago....I so wish I had a binder this organized at the time. I can remember digging through knee high piles of fiberglass insulation on that terrible night, trying to find my file boxes with our insurance information. Thank you so much for this brillant idea...can't wait to get started on mine!
Hi, I found this entry after a google search on this very subject, thanks for the suggestions....just a thought... I'm wondering why you are advising to make copies for the binder, wouldn't it be better to keep all the original documents together in the binder.
I know our originals are scattered through several filing cabinets, I think I will be moving them into a binder like this and putting the copies in the cabinets.
Thank you so much for the layout ideas and week by week steps. I've never put much thought into having a serious plan before, but being a mom of an accident prone little boy, I think it would be pretty smart for me to have everything together for possible future emergencies.
Exactly the kind of list I've been looking for. Thank you so much!!
That is a GREAT suggestion to put the originals in the binder and the copies in the file cabinet.
I did not come up with this list, it was given to me from a friend at my church, I think she suggested putting copies in the binder so that the originals could be put in a fire proof safe. BUT you could always put your binder in a fire proof safe.
I personaly made 3 binders, one for my house, one for the in-laws, and one to give to my sis-in-law who would raise my kids if something were to happen to my husband and I.
Thanks for your great suggestion!!!
Keep the good work going! thanks for sharing!
emergency mass notification software
“You just never know when disaster is going to strike and in a moments notice you could loose everything.” – Exactly my thoughts. Besides, even if without the calamities, it’s rather convenient to have your documents organized and prepared for any time you may need it. I’m sorry for what happened to your neighbors, btw. Ruby @ WilliamsDataManagement.com
Thank YOU!!!
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