Wednesday, November 2, 2011

This crazy thing called Life...

Wow life can really get crazy at times!! We had one CrAzY day at our house yesterday, it just seemed like the day just flew by and I don't feel like I accomplished much. Little J-man followed me around ALL day. I love spending time with the little stud miffin, but sometimes he makes it hard to get things done.

Last night I ended up taking all of the kids to the library to do homework and get books. I thought... "this will be perfect, the girls can so their homework, J.  can look at books, and the baby will sleep in her car seat." HA!!!!! Crazy is what I get for thinking that was a perfect plan! J-man didn't want to hold still and look at
books for longer then 5 minites, Lex forgot her homework sheet, some of Mac's homework even had me stumped (sad I know), and the baby got fussy right when we got there! Well, live and learn, right? I wont be doing that again alone with four kids!!

By the time we were done at the library it was late and we were all hungery. Court met up with us after he was done with scouts and we all went to iceburg for some burgers, fries, and shakes. Lex was not minding and we kept warning and warning her that she was going go loose her icecream, well once she disobeyed again we had to follow through on her not getting her icecream! Man it is so hard to not give in to your kids. Court and I are working really hard on following through on our punishments, somehow we have to teach our kids that they cant walk all over us :).

So there you have it, another day in the life of the Jones family! Being a mom is hard work, but I wouldn't trade it for all the money in the world!!!

1 comment:

thepainterfamily said...

Oh man, LOVE the story about the kids at the library. I relate, life with kiddos is just unpredictable. For the record, I thought it sounded perfect too! :)